Thus, if you use SQL/ XML to query XML data, you must include a WHERE clause with an XMLExists() function ( or other filtering predicate) to ensure your results don't include a row for every row present in the table. 因此,如果使用SQL/XML查询XML数据,就必须包括一个WHERE子句,并在其中使用XMLExists()函数(或其他过滤谓词)来确保结果中不会为表中的每个行都包括一行。
DB2 accesses the historical data automatically and transparently only if the FROM clause of the query includes the period specifications. 只有在查询的FROM子句包含周期规范时,DB2才会自动且透明地访问历史数据。
In DB2 9.7, the compression capability for XML data is enabled simply through the COMPRESS YES clause of the CREATE TABLE statement, which compresses both relational and XML columns in the table. 在DB29.7中,只需通过CREATETABLE语句的COMPRESSYES子句启用XML数据的压缩功能,这会同时压缩表中的关系和XML列。
Similar to DB2 UDB for Linux, UNIX, and Windows, in DB2 UDB for z/ OS you can store and retrieve Unicode data if you have used the CCSID UNICODE clause on the object definitions, such as the following 与DB2UDBforLinux,UNIX,andWindows相似,在DB2UDBforz/OS中,如果您在对象定义上使用了CCSIDUNICODE子句,就可以存储并检索Unicode数据,例如
The table space placement for XML data is determined by the LONG IN clause, which can be specified at partition level, table level, or any combination thereof. XML数据的表空间位置由LONGIN子句决定,其可在分区级别、表级别、或它们的任何组合中指定。
Because the starting point is not checked for cyclic data and'Frankfurt'must not be connected again, it is eliminated in the CONNECT BY clause ( Arrival'Frankfurt '). 因为没有检查循环数据的起始点,并且不能再次连接到“法兰克福市”,所以将从CONNECTBY子句中删除该中转(Arrival'Frankfurt')。
Keeping data change operations in the WITH clause imposes a very natural order which can be used to solve conflicts. 让数据更改操作留在WITH子句中,实际上便强加了一个非常自然的顺序,这样可用于解决冲突。
Because the data for the query is provided programmatically, the query does not need a FROM clause. 因为查询的数据是编程方式提供的,所以查询不需要FROM子句。
Table data is partitioned as specified in the PARTITION BY clause of the CREATE TABLE statement. CREATETABLE语句的PARTITIONBY子句指定了表数据的分区。
It can also be a data structure of a type that is fitting to the SELECT clause. 也可以是类型与SELECT子句相匹配的数据结构。
If you want to move a subset of data, you should modify the SELECT clause accordingly. 如果您只希望移动其中一部分数据,那么您应该相应地修改SELECT子句。
REFERENCES, that indicates that the data type for the parameter will be specified using the REFERENCES clause and specified using the parameter properties in the REFERENCES clause section. 表示参数的数据类型将被指定为使用REFERENCES子句,并通过REFERENCES子句区段中的参数属性指定。
If the data provider is an SQL database, the WHERE clause must be applied to each record. 如果数据提供程序是一个SQL数据库,则必须将WHERE子句应用于每条记录。
When creating a partitioned table space in DB2 UDB V7, DB2 divides the data among the partitions according to the PART clause of the CREATE INDEX statement. 在DB2UDBV7中创建分区的表空间时,DB2根据CREATEINDEX语句的PART子句将数据划分到几个分区上。
This is what is happening in this case: DATA performs a data change operation and has been banned as a CTE into the WITH clause. 在上述例子中,整个过程是这样的:DATA执行一个数据更改操作,并作为CTE放在WITH子句中。
If your installation runs queries frequently on any other columns of the EVENT_DATA table in the WHERE clause, then you can consider creating additional indexes. 如果您的应用程序频繁地在WHERE子句中查询EVENTDATA表的其他字段,那么您可以考虑创建其他字段的索引。
You can also update, delete, and query data using a FOR PORTION OF BUSINESS_TIME clause. 还可以使用一个FORPORTIONOFBUSINESSTIME子句来更新、删除和查询数据。
Beyond the embedded original SQL query, no representation is kept of the table or tables that were queried for data ( the "FROM" clause). 除了嵌入的原始SQL查询以外,没有保留用于查询数据的一个或多个表的表示(“FROM”子句)。
Columns defined with the BLOB data type, or using the FOR BIT DATA clause will be passed as binary from the source to the target, and the code page used is zero. 通过BLOB数据类型或使用FORBITDATA子句定义的列将以二进制形式从源传递到目标,所使用的代码页是零。
The results are saved in the data structure that is specified in the INTO clause. 结果保存在INTO子句中指定的数据结构中。
Multiple slices of data can be returned in a single query by using grouping sets or super-groups ( such as ROLLUP) in the GROUP-BY clause of the SQL statement. 通过在SQL语句的GROUPBY子句中使用多个分组集或超级组(比如ROLLUP),可以在一个查询中返回数据的多个切片。
The data type for the function return type can be specified directly or using the REFERENCES clause. 函数返回类型的数据类型可以直接指定,或使用REFERENCES子句指定。
When you have determined that the table contains data that is not uniformly distributed, run RUNSTATS with the WITH DISTRIBUTION clause. 当您已确定表中包含不是统一分布的数据时,可以运行包含WITHDISTRIBUTION子句的RUNSTATS。
You can delete data pertaining to specific business time periods by specifying the time range in the FOR PORTION OF BUSINESS_TIME clause. 通过在FORPORTIONOFBUSINESSTIME子句中指定时间范围,您可以删除与特定业务时段相关的数据。
The default value in the drop-down list is based on the type of the data column to use in the where clause search condition. 下拉列表中的默认值基于要在where子句搜索条件中使用的数据列的类型。
When the article is horizontally filtered, only data in columns specified by the filter clause is deleted. 水平筛选项目时,将只删除筛选子句所指定的列中的数据。
The Data Protection Act, which normally prevents companies from sharing such information, has a getout clause for cases where it is clear that a crime has been committed. 数据保护法,一般用于阻止公司泄露此类信息。但是,对于犯罪正在实施的情况,这样的规定显然需要进行完善。
There are many computations about the aggregation function in the data warehouse, and the most time-consuming part is to execute the GROUP BY clause, which can be implemented by sorting in general. 数据仓库用聚集函数计算决策所需要的总结数据,计算聚集函数最费时的部分是执行GroupBy子句,一般用排序方法实现。
A Spreadsheet calculation engine is designed in the data warehouse prototype DM_DW to support this kind of computations. And a Spreadsheet clause is designed to express them effectively as well. 本文讨论在DMDW数据仓库原型系统中设计Spreadsheet计算引擎来解决这一问题,并且通过设计Spreadsheet子句扩展SQL的表达能力,更加有效地表示这种计算。
Due to one group of parent's tall and children's tall data, the text use dispersed multivalues clause great method that likelihood estimate to carry on many factors inspection of effect analyse to it. 本文根据一组家庭中父母、子女身高的数据,运用离散多元分析极大似然估计法,对其进行多因子效应的检验分析。